The Eyes have IT! Aug Comm’n in Practice, Stirling, 9 Nov – Eye Gaze

One not to miss! Especially if you are in Scotland or the North of England.



via CALL Scotland Blog by Allan Wilson on 8/11/10


This year’s Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland study day, to be held in the Stirling Management Centre on Tuesday 9th November will focus on the use of Eye Gaze as an aid to communication.

Eye gaze has always been a useful technique for helping people with communication difficulties to express themselves, whether by eye pointing at objects, or at symbols on a communication board or book, or letters on an e-tran frame.

Recent years have seen exciting developments in technology allowing some people with severe and complex disabilities to control a computer or a communication aid by eye gaze. But the technology is complex and expensive and it is not suitable for everybody with a communication difficulty.

This Study Day will explore issues surrounding eye gaze within both low tech and high tech communication systems and will help to raise awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of such systems.Speakers will include:

  • Dr Mick Donegan from the University of East London. Mick was Coordinator of the User Requirements element of the COGAIN project, which led research into the use of eye gaze technology by people with disabilities
  • Janet Scott, SCTCI, will present a number of short case studies providing a glimpse of some of the people who have worked with SCTCI to use eye gaze as their means of access to communication.
  • Claire Latham, formerly from the ACE Centre in Oxford will describe their Look2Talk project on learning to communicate by eye pointing to low tech systems.

There will also be opportunities to find out about the various eye gaze systems currently available in the UK during short supplier presentations.

Further information is available on the Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland web site.

Good guide to choosing an OpenID Provider

Complete luck rather than judgement that I signed up with MyOpenID, which is one the the three providers recommended here.


See full text, all criteria and ratings at


Sample of criteria and ratings:


Name Ease of use Security
Blogger 9 4
ClaimID 9 4
GetOpenID 7 4
Google 7 4
LiveJournal 9 1
★ MyOpenID 8 9
MySpace 6 1
Sxipper 7 8
★ VeriSign 7 7
Vidoop 8 4
WordPress 5 1
★ Yahoo! 10 4

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OpenID Explained
Who should my provider be?
We have compiled a list of all the OpenID providers we can find. But first, here are some important things to consider when choosing an OpenID Provider: (Skip to the list)
Trustworthiness: Choose a provider that you trust.
Longevity: Choose a provider that will stay around for a while.
Comprehensiveness: Choose a provider that gives you extra services.
Security: Choose a provider who can secure the log-in process.
Just as with any website, some are more secure and some less. Consult the list below to see the providers that we found to be the most secure. Our Rubric for how we scored them can be found at the bottom of the page.
Social implications: Choose a provider with which you want to be identified.

The list

That said, here is a list of the providers that we know about along with some comments we or other OpenID users have developed about them. Ones with ★’s next to them are our recommendations.Read more at


Mac vs PC? Are you kidding, or what? Get the real deep low-down at

Update: Links to removed as the service has shut down and the links would be broken.

Grey Dane’s amplify of discussion about the current Microsoft “MAC got it? Me too!!!” advertising campaign (so ill advised – has Apple got a mole in there?) reminded me of the best “Mac vs PC comparison” site I have ever come across.

I have been recommending this site for a few years now:

The author, John Droz, says:

“Any Windows/PC advocates who have nothing better to do than flame me, feel free to do so here. However, to be accurately informed, I would suggest that you first read the ENTIRE site (115± pages of some 1200 referenced reports, studies, etc.).”

The site is up and running now although a month or so ago it was blocked and seemed to have been hacked – all I got then was a banner advising that the site was downloading malware. In case this happens again, anyone wanting to refer to this treasure trove of info at their leisure can download a pdf of the whole site.

Clips from the site are under the picture of the pretty lady from Microsoft below.

Good reading!

Amplify’d from

Funny, spot-on review of Microsoft’s new PC vs. Mac campaign


Amplify’d from
Really, what is the point of trying to compare Windows to Mac. Do they really expect to win that comparison on merit and get any Mac users to convert? Tout your strength, but don’t fight a battle you can’t win.
Aug 10, 2010 8:36am by Grey Drane
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Memo to Microsoft marketing: Piss off with the Mac comparisons

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PC myths debunkedWhat you can doWhat can Apple do?The person behind the siteWhy sandardize on Macs
  • Although the information presented here was originally designed for schools, it is now applicable for any business or individual who is making a Mac/PC decision…
  • Despite doing my best I now find that I am getting a bit behind in keeping the site up-to-date. At this time I have over 150 new reports and articles to be incorporated into the website. If you have the time and interest to assist with this, please let me know!