Giving Voice with The Left Hand Stair Ukes at Bar Loco – Lights, Camera, Campaign!

Giving Voice: Left Hand Stair Ukes at Bar Loco with Julie Carr and Liz Panton

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) is inviting people to enter photographs of their Giving Voice events since 12 October 2012 – and the twelve best images will be included in a 2014 calendar:

Luckily, there are a couple of photo’s and videos of the Giving Voice “open stage” with the Left Hand Stair Ukes at Bar Loco, Newcastle upon Tyne on 23rd April.  Julie Carr, who joined us on ukulele, has already written about this event in her “Julie Giving Voice” blog:

A song, a speech and some Ukulele’s!

I trawled through the videos to try to find some suitable clips and it was all rather blurry. psychedelic and wobbly.  An excellent evocation of the evening – but calendar material?  Mmm . . . we will have to see what the judges think.

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Inspired by other SLT bloggers in the North East!

Although I have blogged about speech and language issues, ukuleles, etc. and have run an SLT website since 2003, I have never really taken to “personal blogging”.

I did try my hand at it on Amplify for a while but it did not feel that comfortable.

However, I have been inspired by the confidence (bravery?) of Julie Carr and Chris Plant and think I will give it a go!

I have even linked this blog to my website so that people might actually find them!

Enough for now – the ukulele calls me!